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new jersey shore linen and beach equipment rental


new jersey shore vacationer beach rental cleaning
new jersey shore vacationer beach rental cleaning



Our Tidy Up Service is for the vacationer who doesn't have time to clean up after their stay. 

We will leave the house in the condition that you agreed to leave the home in your contract. 

Vacationer Tidy Up 1 is for a rental house with 1-3 Bedrooms and 1-2 Bathrooms only!  

Services include:

  • Gathering all rented linens
  • Striping and remaking of beds
  • Emptying the refrigerator and taking out the trash
  • Sweeping and vacuuming
  • Bathroom wipe down
  • Kitchen wipe down
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Our Tidy Up service is NOT a deep cleaning and will NOT replace a cleaning service if Homeowner requires one. 

We will gladly work with you if you are required to hire a cleaning crew as part of your rental agreement.  Please contact us to discuss exactly what you need and any additional fees that may apply.