Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. 

Security Information

During CHECKOUT - your Vacation Rental ADDRESS = Shipping Address


We realize we are NOT shipping you anything, rather we will be delivering all of your ordered items to your Vacation Rental Address.  Unfortunately, our website does not understand this concept.

During the checkout process please fill in your Vacation Address (where we will drop off your order) in the Shipping Address column.

The only place where you will need to use your correct home address is in the Billing Address column to make it clear to the Credit Card company or bank so that your card goes through.


Security Steps we take for You

Security First!

In order to follow best practices of web security to guard against any possibility of theft or compromise of your information we separate our store into two, completely separate functions: the store and payment processing.

Our payment processing is completely secure, protected by military grade encryption and, importantly, all of your information is erased upon completion of your transaction.

None of your credit card information or even address information is kept on file.  These are what are called PCI Compliant guidelines to protect you from web theft.